Beaches of the North

In a way it is hard to say which beach is the best beach in Sydney. When it comes to accessibility these ones up North really don’t make the grade. Well, if you do happen to have a car, and live within a reasonable distance, then maybe they aren’t that bad, but when you are either like a friend of mine, who lived in the far west, or me who happens to be a tourist that does most of his touristing by public transport, then maybe not. … More Beaches of the North

Bangkok – Oriental City

Well, Bangkok is one of those cities that happens to grow on you. Ever since I left that first time on a plane back to Hong Kong a part of me wanted to return. The other thing was that when I was there I lost a copy of A Farewell to Arms (by Ernest Hemingway) and when I finally bought another copy I decided that I wasn’t going to read it again until I returned. Well, I did … … More Bangkok – Oriental City